Main sown areas and production facilities of “RusSoya” Company are located in Primorye Territory.
For the last three years total yield of soy-bean products in enterprises of Primorye Territory has grown for 250 % that allowed “RusSoya” Company to enter the all-Russian market.
Modern production allows maintaining low prices at high quality of our products.
An enterprise on processing of grain crops and leguminous plants is located in Amur region. The enterprise produces the whole range of high quality fodders and supplements that are used in animal breeding and poultry farming.
“RusSoya” Company supplies fish flour of own production located in Kaliningrad region.
“RusSoya” Company is a wholesale supplier of soy-bean products for Russia and CIS countries. Effective management, qualified personnel, and modern equipment provide high quality of the products at minimum prices.
Agrotechnical base of the company is focused in affiliate enterprises of Primorye Territory and Amur region. Main part of manufactured and supplied products is represented by fodder soy-bean, full-fat extruded soy-bean, and soy-bean press cake. Special complex of agrotechnical measures provides rich according to Russian estimates harvests of soy-bean.
Processing of soy beans is carried out in two enterprises located in Amur region and Primorye Territory. On the enterprises qualified specialists are employed, the production is continuously broadened and modernized that allows to achieve annual increase in output.