121087, Moscow, Zarechnaya str., building 9, office 208
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Wheat types

I - Soft spring red-grained wheat (content of grains of other types is no higher than 10 %)

II – Durum spring wheat (content of grains of other types is no higher than 15%)

III - Durum spring wheat (content of grains of other types is no higher than 15%)

IV – Soft winter red-grained wheat (content of grains of other types is no higher than 10%)

V - Soft winter white-grained wheat (content of grains of other types is no higher than 10%)

VI - Durum winter wheat (content of grains of other types is no higher than 15%)
According to Russian standard the following is referred to main wheat grains: whole and damaged wheat grains that are not referred to weed and grain additives by character of damages; 50% of weight of damaged and eaten wheat grains independently of character and size of their damage; in 5th class wheat – grains and seeds of other crop and leguminous plants not referred according to standards for these plants to weed and grain additives by character of damages. Wheat is classified according to botanic type of grain (soft and durum), biological form (spring and winter), and color (red-grained and white-grained). All types of wheat are separated into six types by biological form and color: I, III, IV, and V types – soft wheat, II and VI types – durum wheat.