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Main world producer of rape oil cake is China. Annual world production of rape oil cake is about 20 mln. tons, 6.5 mln. of which are produced in China.

The biggest exporters of rape oil cake are Germany and Canada.

Germany occupies the second place by production of oil cake and provides 35 % of world export.

Canada belongs to five biggest producers; its share in world export of rape oil cake is 20 %.

Main consumers of rape oil cake are: China, Germany, India, the USA, and EU countries.
Rape oil cake (alias canola oil cake) contains up to 36 % of protein. Due to use of quality seed grain and use of modern growing technologies content of glucosinolates in rape is minimal, the rape oil cake becomes more and more popular in world industry of combined fodders. Production of rape oil has the widest perspectives.

Besides traditional use in food industry rape oil is a raw material for production of relatively new type of fuel – biodiesel. Rape oil cake is considered to be one of the most popular; however this popularity is relative because it does not always coincide with quantitative estimates of world production. It is known that the third place by world production is occupied by cotton oil cake; however it is practically not used in Europe and America.