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Full-fat soy-bean for active fish farming
The only restriction for use of soy-bean extrudate in fish feeding is the following: during preparation of combined fodder (grain mixtures) receipts it is not recommended to exceed checked (for this type) level of fat content in the fodders; this will avoid possibility of fat deposition in fish tissues and will help to prevent problems connected with production and storage of combined fodders (clumping, loosening, pickup, rancidification, etc.).
Extruded soy-bean for intensive fish farming

Demand for fish products in Russia is continuously growing, however sea fish capture is restricted by limit of 100 mln tons without damaging resources of World ocean. That is why fish farming developed by methods çà modernization and intensifications has been rapidly developed for the last years.

For the branch to be effective, it has to be economically efficient. This means that it is necessary to attentively calculate expenses for fodders which should not exceed 50 % of total expenses. The most important side of the problem is high demand of fish for proteins; however fish flour (main source of protein) becomes more and more expensive. As a result fish farmers are interested in at least partial substitution of the most expensive ingredients (fish flour, fats) with other, less expensive and available in local markets. In this case soy-bean occupies the first place.

However, fish digestion of raw full-fat soy-bean is rather low (43,6 – 45 %), but it will rapidly increase and achieve competitive level even comparing with fish flour, if full-fat soy-bean is subject to thermal treatment, or which is even better – to extrusion. The most high results are obtained when content of tripsin inhibitors is reduced at least for 83 %.
Generally, practice of civilized fish farming (first of all in European Economic Community and the USA) shows that:

1. Extruded (or roasted) soy-bean may partially and sometimes fully substitute fish flour and other expensive protein sources in rations of sea and river fishes, because its amino-acid composition completely meets the requirements of many types.

2. In this case possible deficit of several essential amino acids may be compensated by addition of auxiliary protein source, or synthetic amino acids, or fodder concentrate of lysin (FCL “LyprotSG - 9”).

3. Correctly processed (extruded) soy beans have objectively higher nutrition value for fish than soy-bean oil cake because they promote increase of highly nutritiveness of rations.

4. High oil content in extruded soy-bean reduces necessity of protein catalysis for release of energy. This condition is very valuable for cold-water fishes. Fat, present in extruded product, supplies essential fat acids (linoleic acid – 52 %, linolenoic acid – 8 %, etc.) which promote digestion of fodders and growth of carp, trout, sheatfish, salmon, eel, and other types. In this way full-fat (extruded) soy-bean is the most suitable fodder ingredient for fish, because it easily digests soy-bean oil. For example, trout has digestibility coefficient equal 0.89 that is equivalent to analogous index for fat from cod’s liver and is higher than this index of hydrogenised fish fat; for sheatfish this coefficient is 0.8.