Wheat bran is rich in phosphorous which is represented by organic compound - phytin – that has laxative effect on gastro-intestinal tract of animals if it is used in the form of mixture with warm water, but in case of use in a dry form the bran may avoid diarrhea.
Bran is introduced into rations and combined fodders for ships and milk cows, for ships and cattle during fattening up to 50 – 60 %, for horses – up to 40 %, for steers older than 6 months, pregnant and nursing sows, breeding boars – up to 35 – 40 %, for young animals and beacon fattening of pigs – up to 20 – 25 %.
Each batch of wheat bran is accompanied with quality certificate that is issued by mill factory or Grain inspection. Wheat bran may be transported and stored in bulk. Wheat bran may be transported by any
transport suitable for transportation of fodders.
In comparison with other ingredients of combined fodders bran has fair looseness and increased hygroscopicity. That is why bran is stored is specialized storehouses where it can be dried. Even under good conditions bran should not be stored for more than one month, because it often grows mouldy.